Second race of the season this weekend in Oordegem. Only 20 km's from Gent. So almost in my backyard ;) For the first time this year I have a whole crowd of people which I call my fan-base :) It consists of 6 people. My friends Dimitri, Tatjana and Wouter were there to cheer for me; and also my parents and my niece Julie. A whole crowd; so I cannot disappoint them today :)
The number of riders is again 130. A lot of riders; but you get used to it. The loop we are doing has an uphill cobblestone stretch; which I really like and for the rest not too many bad turns. So the pace is a little higher than last week. The first 5 laps I really have problems with getting used to this pace; and my hart rate goes to alarming heights. However the same as last week after the first hour of racing; I get better and better. I nearly got involved in 2 crashes where I was lucky I could just avoid them. After 11 of the 22 laps; I feel like there is a good chance I will be able to finish the race today; and I plan to move to the front and attack. However; I decided this was a bad plan; and just stay in the peleton today. This was a good race to learn how to maneuver in a big group. I feel that I succeed in riding through the peleton better and better; without wasting too much energy. The last 2 or 3 laps; I feel I am getting in almost a trance; so it is time the race is going to be over soon. However with only base/endurance/resistance training I am able to ride with the group; while the group of riders is split from 130 to only around 60 that finish the race, so I already am with the better half of the group at this point after 2 races. This is good for the rest of the season's potential. I feel really happy with my first race that I completely finish right in the peleton; and look forward to the next race in Merelbeke next Saturday.
The stats: 42.5 AVG. Race time: 2h30. AVGHR: 150. MAXHR: 182. 110km.
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