Our trip in california in short in a few nice pictures. What 4 belgian guys do in California for 2 weeks:
Waiting for the winner of the Tour de Flanders 2011 Nick Nuyens ( for 3 hours ) during the Tour of California.
A nice ride with my friend Wouter (Picture) and Jeremy.
Having a lot of fun on a surfboard in Santa Barbara with my friend Jeremy ( next to me on the surfboard) thanks to our great surf instructor, thanks Landen!
Surfing btw is a serious exercise, in the evening Jeremy and I were completely tired after a half a day of surfing ( Consisting of paddling into the Ocean for 5 minutes, do wave watching; and try to be lucky on a good wave for a few seconds :) But fun!!! We saw 7 dolphins swimming just a few meters from where we were wave watching, that was really awesome.
Posing for a nice surf picture with the group :)
From left to right: My friend Jeremy, the 2 girls, Me and our surf instructor on the ground.
Showing off!!!!!!
And not showing off :)
And a little relaxation at the Giants game against the Florida Merlins ( They lost with 1-0 ).
And as 4 European guys, we even missed how the Merlins made the point. If we would have followed our home brewed rules which we thought made sense, the score should be 0-0.... Or we just missed the point :)
A really fun Krusty the clown ride in Hollywood!!! Really cool ride.
Having a great evening in Las Vegas, drinking cocktails and eating mexican, preparing for a long night!
From left to right: Jeremy, Joris, Joris and Wouter.
Thanks to our professional photographer Jeremy for taking all those really nice pictures!
And now...back to training for the first race in CAT 3 in Iowa; June 18th.